GiovaniStilisti is a portal dedicated to the new Italian fashion names, born to give the right space to the Made In Italy.
The idea was born within Bycam of Rome, a communication agency that searching through the communication channels used by fashion noticed need for fashion designers (clothing , accessories and interior designers) of an area dedicated to their creativity .
Besides being a showcase where fashion companies and fashion addicted can meet the new talents’creativity, GiovaniStilisti points to communication as the only support for young designers to create a personal consistent and strong image!
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accademia altieri accessori Adriana Maria Calzetti Alessandro Coran AltaRoma Antonio Martino Couture Art Fabrica Backroom Barbara Molinario Blogger Clubbin' collezione comunicazione concorso giovani stilisti Corrado Scollo Designer Events formazione Gianni Molaro gioielli giovani stilisti Giuliana Mancinelli Bonifaccia Haute Couture IED Interviews Jack Guisso Le Bebè Made in Italy Marco Risi marketing Martina Cancellotti Michele Miglionico moda Moda Italiana Nella mente di un creativo restyling Roma scuola di moda Sfilate stage stilista Stylist tappeti temporary shop tendenze