Elia Maurizi
Unisex footwear: innovation, a taste for things past, simplicity and irony!
Education: Centro di Ricerca e Scuola Internazionale Calzaturiera Cercal of San Mauro Pascoli (Forlì-Cesena), Italy;
Brand featurea: a collection of unisex footwear designed for those who think the way he does, who interpret their own way of seeing things. Focussed on innovation, a taste for things past, simplicity and irony. This is the philosophy of the “Elia Maurizi” brand!!!
Creates: Colour, prints, images and strong ideas; bio and natural treatments for the Elia Maurizi unisex footwear line. “Unisex because it brings to mind a simpler, less sophisticated, less complex product, I don’t really know how to explain it… a simple, “light” product”.
“10 Questions to know them”
Short interview to Elia Maurizi designer of the homonym brand!
In the best possible world what word should be abolished?
In hell, they force you to watch the same film over and over again: which?
The Battleship Potemkin.
Your creative place?
Well, I have always had my most brilliant ideas when flying, so the ideal place is probably an aeroplane cabin.
One song to describe your mood at the moment?
Down The Line (Jose Gonzalez) almost all his songs.
What do you like and what do you hate about fashion?
I like the creative side of fashion, I don’t showy people, and all that goes with this.
What cannot miss in your refrigerator?
I reckon plenty of fruit.
“If I were fire I would burn…”?
Silvio Berlusconi
If you were one of the seven dwarfs which one would you be?
It wasn’t nice or fair, but it was fun?
The real difference between a child and an adult?
The size
Ciao, ciao kids!
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