“10 questions to know them”
Short interview to Silvia Burigana SuBlimen’s designer!
To be or to have?
Absolutely to be
How do you wear your hair in this moment ?
Tied back.
You are the witness, how would you dress up?
A Petit noir.
The last thing you do before going to sleep?
I usually check my e-mail, I manage my daily time and I bring my dog to my bed and we sleep together.
If you were an animal which one would you be?
A cat.
Bread, butter and marmelade or brioche with chocolate?
The first one… I love butter!
The true luxury is?
A mix of elegance and exclusivity but most of all ourselves.
Do you have any obsessions?
My hands have always to be clean and neat.
If I say Italy what do you think about?
Creativity, art and good food: my passions!
What should you never wear?
A tracksuit!
Ou revoir!
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